
General Health

Why Self Advocacy is Critical in Patient Care |
Researchers say they’ve found correlations between dental and heart health, among other conditions. Can brushing on your lunch break keep your oral hygiene in check?
Do you know how dental insurance works, what it covers, how to choose the right plan, and how you can make the best use of it? Learn the answers and smile.
Nearly 1 in 5 employees vape at work, affecting not only physical health, but also learning, mood/mental health, attention and impulse control. Should you avoid the vaporized puff? Find out here.
There are few actions more beneficial for your health than to quit smoking or vaping. Get started with these steps.
Quitting tobacco is never simple but with the right tools and knowledge about your tobacco cessation coverage, you can get the help you need to succeed.
Most American adults need vision improvement, at a rate of 3 to 1. These 4 common diseases are reasons for getting (or keeping) vision insurance.
Eyes change as they age, but vision loss should never be ignored. Catch problems before they get worse with regular eye exams.
Can wearing glasses make your eyesight worse? Get clarity on these common eye health myths.
New superfood: Carrots add more than the total daily value of Vitamin A, a must for vision health.
Vision disability is one of the 10 disabilities in the U.S. Vision insurance helps pay for eye care expenses.
At least 75% of Americans experience back pain, usually in the lower back and usually will recur within one year. Try these 5 easy techniques to avoid aggravating an angry back at work.
Many often wonder what kinds of pain are to be expected (such as after a strain or sprain) and when to seek medical attention. Read more for the 7 signs of an alarming backache.