
Preventive Care

Flossing for Preventive Care |
Unhealthy lifestyle habits and increases in obesity have increased diabetes nationally. Changes in diet & exercise can help slow and reverse these negative trends.
Getting the most out of your insurance means using preventive care benefits. Many preventive services are covered in full by insurance so learn more today!
Millions of Americans take medication to treat high blood pressure, or hypertension. However, many more still don’t know they have hypertension or aren’t managing their condition.
Blood pressure can go up and down during the day. The key to monitoring it is to take consistent and accurate readings. Follow these blood pressure test tips to do that.
Researchers say they’ve found correlations between dental and heart health, among other conditions. Can brushing on your lunch break keep your oral hygiene in check?
Research shows that foods low in sugar and high in fiber help prevent cavities and leads to a healthier smile. What are the super seven?
A nutrient-rich diet and lifestyle modifications can reduce lung damage and disease symptoms. Breathe easier, with these key ingredients.
Most American adults need vision improvement, at a rate of 3 to 1. These 4 common diseases are reasons for getting (or keeping) vision insurance.
Eyes change as they age, but vision loss should never be ignored. Catch problems before they get worse with regular eye exams.
Can wearing glasses make your eyesight worse? Get clarity on these common eye health myths.
New superfood: Carrots add more than the total daily value of Vitamin A, a must for vision health.
Vision disability is one of the 10 disabilities in the U.S. Vision insurance helps pay for eye care expenses.