
New Year. New You.
2024 is Around the Corner.

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Resolutions are all about making positive changes as we go into a new year.

New Year’s Day is less than a month away and with it comes the tradition of turning over a new leaf. Resolutions carefully considered and made. The hope for good things and a change for the better. While resolutions can often get a bad rap for encouraging unrealistic expectations and pressure, they can also be a great starting point for prioritizing future goals.

Here are a few ideas for your 2024 personal upgrade:

  1. Build a Better Budget – Saving money is always a good idea and there are a plethora of budgeting apps to choose from whether you’re trying to organize the finances from multiple income sources or trying to cut down on runaway holiday spending.
  2. Build a Strong Body – Getting and staying fit is always a popular choice and with good reason after all those delicious holiday meals. Take the stairs at work or a 10 minute walk during your lunch break. The expensive gym membership is optional with these 10 at-home exercises. The key is to keep it simple and create a manageable routine.
  3. Build a Strong Mind – Prioritizing your mental health is a great way to start the new year. You can start a gratitude journal or commit to daily meditation. Given today’s volatile political and social climate this can feel difficult if not nearly impossible. However, mental rest is just as important as physical. Stress and anxiety don’t get better without the right tools.
  4. Build a Better World – Volunteering is good for your physical and emotional health. So whether you help at an animal shelter or organize a clothes drive for the needy with your coworkers, you will be helping yourself as you help others. Volunteering connects you to likeminded and thoughtful people while fostering a sense of community and belonging. There are many ways to be a better advocate for your community.

The possibilities are endless and can be endlessly overwhelming! You can commit to drinking less alcohol and do Dry January. Or you can decide to be more thoughtful about your single use plastic consumption and vow to recycle diligently. Whatever you choose for your resolution, remember this: You can change your life for the better. Just be sure to set realistic goals, like focusing on one thing that’s important to you, then taking small steps to achieve it. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season and we’ll see you back here in January 2024.

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