

The Health Insurance Explanation of Benefits Form and What it Means | Ellen Hosafros |
Working in an IBD flare-up is challenging, but it’s possible to manage symptoms & workload. Here are 10 practical tips to help minimize the impact of IBD flares during work hours.
Think you know the ins and outs of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Get the facts on IBD basics, and learn more about these chronic digestive conditions.
Specialized IBD diets may be a good fit for patients in flare. Learn more about IBD-friendly diets from the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.
Prioritizing patient needs & cutting-edge research, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is helping transform the landscape of IBD treatment & care. Read more about key breakthroughs.
This medical tool classifies the form & consistency of human stools into 7 types, helping assess digestive health. Use the Bristol Stool Chart from GoodRx to describe your BMs to doctors.
The thyroid works quietly behind the scenes making hormones that control the body’s metabolism. However, thyroid diseases can cause a broad range of symptoms and health problems.
From scans to blood tests, most thyroid tests are quick and easy. Your doctor may prescribe them if there are concerns over thyroid function. Learn more with this chart.
The thyroid affects many body systems and impairment could include both underactive and overactive function. Often misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety or aging, it’s important to know the signs.
Gerry could have used prescription medications to control his rheumatoid arthritis inflammation and pain. But he found he didn’t have to…
RA is an autoimmune disease that attacks joints and tissues. It causes chronic swelling and pain. We’ve put together this infographic to help you learn more.