
Heart Health

Millions of Americans take medication to treat high blood pressure, or hypertension. However, many more still don’t know they have hypertension or aren’t managing their condition.
Blood pressure can go up and down during the day. The key to monitoring it is to take consistent and accurate readings. Follow these blood pressure test tips to do that.
Regular blood pressure monitoring is the best way to detect hypertension, A.K.A., the silent killer, especially if you have one or more risk factors. How much do you know?
Nearly 1 in 5 employees vape at work, affecting not only physical health, but also learning, mood/mental health, attention and impulse control. Should you avoid the vaporized puff? Find out here.
EVALI is a severe, life-threatening lung condition that doctors cannot, currently, test for with any certainty. Are your kids vaping? How much do you know about it? Take our quiz….
Quitting tobacco is never simple but with the right tools and knowledge about your tobacco cessation coverage, you can get the help you need to succeed.
From sound waves to x-rays to electrical signals, these heart health tests use different methods to see inside your chest. Your doctor will determine which is best for your condition.
The scariest part about heart conditions is their silence. Echocardiograms, EKGs, angiograms and more all test the health of your heart. How much do you know?
Heart disease often lurks in the background unnoticed until a heart attack. A safe and quick coronary calcium scan can help identify your risk.
Half of the country manages their hypertension, and many millions more don’t or don’t even know they have it. How much do you know about this silent killer?
More salt means more strain on the heart. Understanding sodium science and culinary solutions for heart-healthy cooking helps in preparing tasty meals as a cardiac caregiver.
Blame today’s lifestyles. Younger adults now need to pay attention to the threat of massive stroke and heart attack.